quarta-feira, 13 de junho de 2012

Responsabilidade Social: Um exemplo Chinês

Neste post pretendo mostrar o caso caricato de uma empresa na China que foi alvo de fortes criticas por parte da sociedade por não ter prestado a devida ajuda à sociedade num momento de crise. A situação tornou-se num grande fracasso de Relações Públicas e revelou falhas na política da empresa, bem como as crescentes expectativas da opinião pública em relação à responsabilidade que as empresas têm perante a sociedade

"A deadly earthquake measured at 8.0Ms occurred at 14:28 (GMT + 8) on May 12, 2008, in the Sichuan province of China. On the same day, a real estate developer contributed RMB 2 million (around USD 0.3 million) as disaster relief to the ravaged area. In quick response, several posts uploaded onto certain online forums opined that a donation of that amount was not appropriate for a company with an annual sales revenue of RMB 100 billion—and that the company’s president appeared to be too stingy. A list of corporate donors that had contributed more than RMB 10 million was attached to the posts as a comparison. Three days later, the president responded to the criticism by asserting the following on his online blog:

Disasters are frequent in China. Philanthropy for disaster relief is a regular requirement. Enterprises should donate in a way that allows them to sustain their contribution rather than being shackled in the future . . . In our company, there is a reminder that in fundraising, regular employees should not give more than RMB 10. The purpose is to ensure that philanthropy does not become a burden . . . I think that RMB 2 million is a proper amount for us to give.
The “net friends” were outraged by this reply and reacted in anger. On May 21, the company held an impromptu general meeting, during which it was decided that the company would allocate RMB 100 million to help in the re-construction of the disaster-hit area. This decision, according to one newspaper, was described by some shareholders as “paying a ransom to rescue shareholder interests from a ‘moral kidnap’ by the president and his management team, who are experiencing severe pressure of public opinion.”

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